How to Install Batcone
Inventor Jim Dreisacker shows where and how to install the Batcone, The Pro-Cone and the Batcone 2
How birds cause and photos of example we’ve caught to show you & then products we’d use to fix each one.
Do birds have diseases and can they give a disease to me?
Inventor Jim Dreisacker shows where and how to install the Batcone, The Pro-Cone and the Batcone 2
Bird Barrier's Bird-Flite Stainless Steel Bird Spikes are installed on thousands of U.S. buildings with an incredible success rate, even under heavy bird pressure. The thin, stainless steel rods and U.V.-resistant polycarbonate base are extremely durable and it is also the least conspicuous spike product on the market. Unlike similar products, Bird-Flite's spikes are blunted, preventing injury to birds or unsuspecting workers.
Bird Barrier's Bird Coil is America's most innovative, versatile, easy-to-use anti-perching system. Made of high-grade stainless steel, Bird Coil is perfect for long, narrow, exposed ledges. It is also adaptable to most architectural details.
The trap that doesn't look, or function, like a normal trap. The "Trap Door" was designed specifically to provide a discrete, gentle, hygenic, and cost-effective way to get small birds out of buildings. When set, the "Trap Door" is simply a welcoming platform with food. Birds stand on the platform eating happily until they press down on the perch. Suddenly, the floor gives way under them and they fall inside the ventilated box with a lid positioned securely above. To release the bird outside simply open the "Trap Door" lid and it will fly out.
Cameron Riddell demonstrates how to install the new solar panel bird and wildlife exclusion system from Bird Barrier. This simple, non-penetrating system is fast and easy to install, does not void panel warranties, and is endorsed by leading solar energy installation companies.