Bird Barrier Architect Resources
Specify Bird Barrier® products on your buildings. Bird droppings cause millions of dollars of damage to buildings in the U.S. Bird Barrier® products are specified on hundreds of new buildings and restoration projects every year.
Are you concerned that birds are marring the aesthetics of the buildings you design? Birds can deface buildings and bear disease-causing hazards. Prevent birds from landing on your buildings from the time they’re constructed. There are humane bird control measures for all kinds of construction, including bridges, public railway stations, high-rises and historical buildings.
Bird Barrier offers a library of resources below.
BirdSlide All bird species simply can’t get a grip and slide right off the ledge. Inverted, it prevents swallow nests.
Specs: PDF
Catalog Bird Barrier’s catalog features our comprehensive line of humane, discreet bird control products. We offer it in print and online. View or Request Catalog