Training Products

Birds are intelligent creatures and can overwhelm a prevention system if it is not used in the correct application. Many bird control jobs fail simply because the installer does not understand the pest bird they are fighting or because the wrong product is chosen or incorrectly installed.

Simply put, there's a lot more to bird control than using just one product to solve every problem or slapping a product down and walking away forever. Plus, the public is no longer willing to endorse the killing of pest birds; they are looking for humane solutions to their problems. You will learn these solutions in How To Succeed in Urban Bird Control.

Bird Barrier's one-day training course will help you become successful in the lucrative field of bird control. The one-day course includes:

  • Bird biology and behavior
  • Permanent, non-lethal products to solve any bird problem
  • Which products are effective against different species of pest birds
  • Analyzing a site to select the correct products for each problem area
  • Making a profit on bird jobs
  • Estimating, selling jobs and contracting bird work with total confidence

Can't make it to any of the scheduled classes? We offer webinars!

It can't get more convenient that learning at your desk. Gather a few people around your computer for a webinar taught by one of our technical experts.

Product Display Box Sales Tool (ea)

Bird Barrier Starter Tool Kit

Includes Carrying Case, Net Cable Galvanized (250ft), Magnetic Nut Setter 1/4in, Net Scissors - Heavy Duty, Cable Cutters Heavy Duty, Ratchet Crimping Tool, Net Ring Tool, Net Rings Galvanized (2500), Digital Track Tester, Flex Track Lead Out Wire, Black (50ft), Connector Crimp Tool, Deluxe Wire Stripping Tool, NEW Bird Barrier Bond 10.1 oz., Dripless Ergonomic Caulk Gun, Birdwire Crimping Tool, Birdwire Stainless, Starter Hardware Pack, Snipping Tool, Bird Barrier Product Installation Video, Lag Screw Drive, SDS 12mm Drill Bit for Masonry, SDS 4.8mm Drill Bit for Masonry, SDS 6.5mm Drill Bit for Masonry

Flex-Track Tool Kit

Flex-Track Training Kit

StealthNet Tool Kit

StealthNet Training Kit

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