Smell & Taste Deterrents

The products in this category utilize Methyl anthranilate, a safe non-toxic bird repellent made from an extract from concord grapes. When misted or fogged into the air the smell irritates birds and, in most cases, will drive them away. When applied to grass, trash and other things birds like to eat, the taste impacts them in a way that will force them to search for greener pastures. Methyl anthranilate affects birdā€™s pain centers, creating an unpleasant sensation. Birds learn to avoid areas that have been treated and seek other locations. The products below are effective against most birds.


A small, simple to use bag which emits Methyl anthranilate (MA) into the air space to repel birds from hard-to-protect areas. The product consists of small fabric bags that contain MA infused material, that can be hung, placed on a flat surface, or placed inside a dispenser. The dispenser can then be mounted to a wall or placed on a flat surface. BD-135 can repel birds from trees, shelving, gutters, and other settings where traditional deterrent products canā€™t be installed. 3-month efficacy.

Avian Fog Force Time Release

This automated time-release aerosol bird repellent can be programmed to spray MA when birds are active. It discourages birds from congregating on individual homes, apartment buildings, schools, stadiums, resorts, condos marinas, pools, patios and food courts. Best for starlings, blackbirds, robins, crows, and pigeons. The life of the aerosol depends on the programming of the dispenser.

Avian ControlĀ®

An EPA-registered liquid bird repellent. For ease of application, Avian ControlĀ® can be applied via fogging or spraying from the ground or aerial. This effective bird repellent has lasting results, up to 2 weeks outdoors and even longer indoors. Best for flocking birds, starlings, blackbirds, robins, crows and pigeons. Ideal for agriculture (crops), dairy barns, trees, office parks, power plants, parks, etc.

Avian MigrateĀ® Goose Repellant

An EPA-registered liquid bird repellent. Migrate can be applied with ground or portable spray equipment to turf and other surfaces (it cannot be fogged). Ideal for lawns and grassy areas, athletic fields, trees, bushes and landscaping, dumpsters and trash containers, marinas, etc. Ideal for geese, mute swans, coots, and other small birds. It should be applied every two weeks, or as results dictate.


BD-135 emits Methyl Anthranilate (MA) into the air space to repel birds from hard-to-protect areas. The product consists of small fabric bags that can be hung from above, placed on a flat surface, or placed inside a dispenser. The dispenser can then be mounted to a wall or placed on a flat surface. BD-135 can repel birds from trees, shelving, gutters, and other settings where traditional deterrent products canā€™t be installed.

Avian Control Bird Repellent

Avian ControlĀ® is an EPA-registered liquid bird repellent that will help you overcome your bird problems. It works by teaching pest birds to stay away from your property. With mild ingredients, it is gentle enough to be used around plants, animals and people. Learn all there is to know about Avian Control.

Avian Fog Force TR

Avian Fog ForceĀ® TR Bird Repellent is dosed from programmable timed spray mist dispenser cabinets containing disposable aerosol cans. Each dispenser cabinet releases an invisible intermittent aerosol bird repellent mist on a user selected programmable time-release basis. Spray mist dispenser cabinets can be placed strategically in areas where nuisance birds are a problem and without any additional laborā€¦your bird problems are solved.

Avian Fog ForceĀ® TR Bird Repellent irritates birdā€™s pain centers, creating an unpleasant sensation. Ā Birds learn to avoid areas that have been treated and seek other locations.

Avian Fog ForceĀ® TR Bird Repellent is an EPA registered bird repellent that is effective against all types of nuisance birds and is suitable for use around humans, pets and livestock. Avian Fog ForceĀ® TR is non-toxic. Its active ingredient is found in nature and is also used extensively in food designed for human consumption. All Avian Fog ForceĀ® TR ingredients are ā€œGenerally Regarded As Safeā€ (GRAS) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are ā€œEarth friendly.ā€

Avian Migrate

Avian MigrateĀ® Goose and Bird Repellent is a non-lethal liquid bird repellent that discourages geese and birds from congregating on golf courses, parks, athletic fields and around public buildings. Simply spray as directed ā€“ the effect is immediate and long lasting.

Avian MigrateĀ®Ā returns your grounds and environment to their naturally beautiful, clean condition. Avian MigrateĀ® contains a special colorant, visible only to birds, that lets them know that the area has been treated. This ā€œteachesā€ unwanted geese and birds to stay away from treated areas in the future.

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