Birds in open spaces like parking lots, courtyards, large roofs, parks, and agricultural settings are some of the greatest challenges to successful bird control. Bird Barrier solves these problems with industry-leading innovations.
Below are the top problem areas of open spaces and the how we solve them.

Keep Birds Off Your Roof
Pest birds love to land on roofs because they’re large areas where they can live mostly undisturbed, but their nesting materials can damage membrane roofs while bird droppings can clog drains and cause severe water damage.
Our specialized pest bird deterrents for roofs will keep birds off these difficult-to-protect areas without creating an eyesore.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Eagle Eye®
An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters birds from areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating via wind or solar.

An excellent & invisible way to stop birds from the ridges, edges & peak lines of any type of roof. Solar or 110V powered delivers a totally safe yet memorable buzz to birds.

Daddi Long Legs™
Deters large birds from landing and nesting in open spaces such as flat rooftops or atop HVAC units/equipment, as well as on street lights and other hard-to-protect areas.

Make Your Land Less Attractive To Pest Birds
Pest birds are naturally drawn to open areas of land because of the abundance of food and shelter afforded. However, their foraging as well as most bird repellent devices present aesthetic challenges to large properties.
Fortunately, Bird Barrier has devised several effective bird repellents for open space that will significantly reduce or eliminate your pest bird problems.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

The Intimidator
The Intimidator is a professional grade avian deterrent which uses motion and bright flashing to scare away woodpeckers and other birds from unwanted open areas.

Eagle Eye®
An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters birds from areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating via wind or solar.

Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is hard to see.

Protect Equipment From Damage By Birds
Remote equipment is a boon to pest birds because it is a stable perch and nesting location that is relatively isolated from human and predator contact. This often mission-critical infrastructure is resilient, but damage from bird droppings or bird nesting can create maintenance headaches or severe service impairments.
Consider our line of unique and effective bird repellent devices for your oil and gas, electrical transmission, or weather monitoring equipment.

Eagle Eye®
An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters birds from areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating via wind or solar.

Tower Guard
Tower Guard deters Gulls, Cormorants, Vultures, Osprey, Hawks and Owls and other large birds. It creates both a visual and physical barrier for railings and flat surfaces.

Optical Gel™
A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.

Polyethylene florescent GridTwine (more visible to large birds) can be suspended in various horizontal and vertical patterns to deter large birds from landing and nesting.

Discourage Birds From Visiting Your Courtyard
Landscaped courtyards are ideal sites for pest birds to live since they’re generally protected from the harshest weather elements while having plenty of nesting and foraging opportunities.
Our lines of bird deterrents for courtyards will provide safe and effective protection for your spaces!

Eagle Eye®
An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters birds from areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating via wind or solar.

Daddi Long Legs™
Deters large birds from landing and nesting in open spaces such as flat rooftops or atop HVAC units/equipment, as well as on street lights and other hard-to-protect areas.

Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded in open areas. Our best barrier that lasts for years & is hard to detect.

An excellent & invisible way to stop birds from the ridges, edges & peak lines of any type of roof. Solar or 110V powered delivers a totally safe yet memorable buzz to birds.

Make Your Parking Areas Safe From Birds
People don’t want to be concerned about bird droppings damaging their car’s paint job when utilizing the parking facilities at your high-rise building. An abundance of unsightly bird droppings may also discourage people from visiting again in the future.
Below are bird control products that can keep your parking areas, whether enclosed or open-air, from being spoiled by those disgusting white pellets.

Daddi Long Legs™
Deters large birds from landing and nesting in open spaces such as flat rooftops or atop HVAC units/equipment, as well as on street lights and other hard-to-protect areas.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Optical Gel™ Zip
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell & touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below, works fast and for good.

Polyethylene florescent GridTwine (more visible to large birds) can be suspended in various horizontal and vertical patterns to deter large birds from landing and landing.

Bird-proof Food and Animal Production
Open areas where livestock feed are also places for pest birds to grab an opportunistic snack.
Our line of effective open space bird deterrents can help protect against contamination and shrink from hungry birds helping themselves to your produce.

Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded in open areas. Our best barrier that lasts for years.

Eagle Eye®
An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters birds from areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating via wind or solar.

Optical Gel™ Zip
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell & touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below, works fast and for good.

Polyethylene florescent GridTwine (more visible to large birds) can be suspended in various horizontal and vertical patterns to deter large birds from landing and landing.

Bird Control Soutions for Aquatic Areas
Aquatic infrastructure like fisheries, retention ponds, and treatment facilities attract many types of marine birds and present their own challenges to pest bird control. These are usually large areas without much space for structural support and often require a “zero-tolerance” approach to bird deterrence due to various environmental factors.
Protect your investment with effective aquatic bird deterrent solutions from Bird Barrier.

Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded in open areas. Our best barrier that lasts for years.

Tower Guard
Tower Guard deters Gulls, Cormorants, Vultures, Osprey, Hawks and Owls and other large birds. It creates both a visual and physical barrier for railings and flat surfaces.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell & touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below, works fast and for good.

Daddi Long Legs™
Deters large birds from landing and nesting in open spaces such as flat rooftops or atop HVAC units/equipment, as well as on street lights and other hard-to-protect areas.