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Product Overview

Bird Barrier’s Quick Quote – How To Use In The Field

Bird techs work quick fast with the QuickQuote app. Quote a job on-site, right now, emailed to you and your prospect with details that'll blow them away and make you a star!

Product Overview

Bird Barrier Gutter-Point Introduction

This is a brief introduction of the Gutter-Point spikes which is part of our Bird-Flite deterrent system.

Product Overview

Eagle Eye Introduction Video

This video will introduce you to the Eagle Eye: a revolutionary bird control device that scares birds like pigeons, gulls, bats, crows, grackles and starlings away with a visual flash. No noise, just a rotating silver pyramid that reflects sunlight. Easy to install, protects agriculture, buildings, roof-tops, industrial complexes, factories, boats, marinas and much more.

Product Highlights

New Bird-Shock Flex-Track Connectors

One major improvement over competitive products lies in the design of the corner itself. Instead of being forced to cut accurate 45-degree angles, tracks going into Bird Barrier's new corner are simply end-cut and laid down into the part itself; the top is then snapped into place. Eliminating the need for a special angle is a big time saver. The new Straight Connector features male tabs to connect to lead wire that connects to the power chargers. The Straight Connector can also be attached to the track at any other point where a connection is needed.

Product Overview

Bird-Shock Flex-Track Introduction

Cameron Riddell gives a brief overview of our Bird-Shock Flex-Track and how it can be used in various situations to relieve the area of nuisance birds.

Product Overview

Bird Barrier Material Estimator Introduction

This is a brief overview of how to use the Material Estimator for placing orders on

Product Overview

Eggxit · Solar Panel Spanish Tile Inserts

The egg-shaped Eggxit is engineered to allow quick placement for a perfect fit into the troughs between Spanish tiles.

Product Overview

Batcone Introduction

An introduction the Batcone family of products: The Batcone, The Pro-Cone and the Batcone 2 by the inventor Jim Dreisacker

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