How to Get Rid of Pigeons

Pigeons roosting on a metal building leave stains with their droppings
Pigeon Damage to Tile Roof
Pigeon Problem: Roosting on Building Ledges
Pigeons are the number one pest bird in the world. They are not indigenous to North America, so they are not protected. But, at Bird Barrier we always recommend protecting a structure with deterrent products, causing the birds move to a new location.

Physical Deterrents are the Best Way to Keep Pigeons Away

Bird Barrier offers a number of solutions to repel pigeons. The best solution for pigeon problems, is complete exclusion with a 2″ mesh StealthNet. Many ledge problems can be solved by using products such as Bird-Coil, Birdwire, Bird-Flite and Dura-Spike bird spikes, as well as Bird-Shock Flex-Track electrical track.

Steps to Deter Pigeons

To determine how to best solve a pigeon problem, we must first know the answer to two questions: 1. What is the bird pressure:
  • Heavy: Birds are nesting, extremely committed to the site
  • Medium: Birds are eating nearby, really like this site
  • Light: Birds are hanging out here from time to time, not really committed
2. What are the birds landing on?
  • Roof peak
  • Narrow ledge
  • Wide ledge
  • Pipe
  • Flat surface
  • Signs
  • Protected nook
  • Underside of loading dock roof, on pipes and beams
Roof Peak
  1. Medium Pressure: Bird-Shock Flex-Track
  2. Medium Pressure: Bird Spikes » Bird-Flite or Dura-Spike
  3. Light Pressure: Bird Barrier Optical Gel
Narrow Ledge (less than 6 in.)
  1. Heavy Pressure: BirdSlide
  2. Heavy Pressure: Bird-Shock Flex-Track
  3. Medium or Light Pressure: Bird Barrier Optical Gel
  4. Medium or Light Pressure: Bird Spikes » Bird-Flite or Dura-Spike
Wide Ledge (more than 6 in.)
  1. Heavy Pressure: StealthNet
  2. Heavy Pressure: BirdSlide
  3. Medium or Light Pressure: Bird Barrier Optical Gel
  4. Medium or Light Pressure: Bird Spikes » Bird-Flite or Dura-Spike
  1. All Pressures: Birdwire with Railing Clamps
  2. All Pressures: Bird Spikes » Bird-Flite or Dura-Spike
Flat Surface
  1. Large Area – Medium or Light Pressure: Daddi Long Legs
  2. Large Area – Medium or Light Pressure: Eagle Eye
  3. Large Area – Medium or Light Pressure: StealthNet (over roof top)
  4. Smaller Area – Medium or Light Pressure: Bird Barrier Optical Gel
  1. Heavy Pressure: StealthNet
  2. Medium or Light Pressure: Bird Barrier Optical Gel
  3. Medium or Light Pressure: Bird-Shock Flex-Track
Protected Nook
  1. All Pressures: StealthNet
Underside of Loading Dock, on Pipes and Beams
  1. All Pressures: StealthNet
  2. Medium to Light pressure: Bird Barrier Optical Gel


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