Shop by Birds

Pigeons are the most common type of pest bird in North America and they cause a variety of problems at all kinds of buildings, from airports to manufacturing facilities to power plants and the rooftops of stores, offices, and homes.

Gulls and other related sea birds exist in great numbers along coastal areas, large lakes and rivers. A subset of long winged swimming birds, there are 45 species of seagulls

The house sparrow is the number two urban pest bird and aren’t native birds to North America. Introduced as a species to North America in 1851, the house sparrow quickly spread across the country due to its lack of natural enemies and its adaptive traits.

European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) are one of the worst (and most hated) nuisance birds in the U.S. This non-native, invasive species has spread across rural and urban North America.

Grackles are pest birds that are boisterous, abundant members of the troupial family. Also members of this family are the blackbirds, cowbirds and orioles.

There are over 200 different species of woodpeckers worldwide, and approximately 23 of those can be found in the United States.

Turkey Vulture
The Turkey Vulture won’t win any beauty contests. The birds’ shape and head look similar to a Turkey, with a red head and dark body feathers.

Swallows can be a nuisance in suburban areas due to their nesting habits. The mud nests damage and deface the outer walls and eaves of residences and office buildings.

Geese can cause damage to agricultural crops year round, either by trampling or consumption. Aesthetic damage to suburban lawns, golf courses, etc., is incalculable.