Dissolve-It 1 gal

SKU cl-3000 Category

Dissolve-It breaks down bird droppings and eliminates odors. It allows for easy removal of stubborn, caked-on droppings. Simply mix Dissolve-It in a 1:1 ratio with water, saturate the target area and let the solution work for at least fifteen minutes.

Solution can be applied with a hand sprayer. The residue will easily spray away with hose or power sprayer. Non-toxic, non-flammable and bio-degradable, plus it is USDA accepted, environmentally safe. It can be poured over piles of bird droppings, as well as into drains, trash cans, sewers and grease traps. Use at 1:1 spray mixture with water (1 gallon makes 2 gallons).

Learn more about Dissolve-It and all Cleaning Supply products.

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Weight 8.55 lbs
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