Birds need to hide. Pigeons, especially, treat our structures like rock wall faces. Nooks and holes, shaded overhangs and cracks with perches keep them high up and away from predators.
And when you find birds in possession of a nook or hidden spot, be aware that you will surely find the beginning of or a totally completed nesting situation. These are often invisible from below. Sometimes found quite deep into a structure.
Also, if you find birds which are nesting yet have protection from being disturbed while breeding, do contact us so that we can give you feedback on your proper next steps.
Below are the top bird problem areas of ledges of various types and the how we solve them.

The Most Unnoticed Architectural Gaps Are Spotted by Birds Fast
Buildings of almost any size have built within them various types of gaps, openings and divides. You will never notice these but birds see them at a glance.
If you find yourself with bird problems like pigeons everyday or a constant visit from sparrows yet they seem to be popping in from elsewhere, perhaps a 360-degree tour around your structure will reveal an opening that birds, even if not present as droppings are seen, have found a place that suits them well. Or if no birds are found yet markings are left behind in large amounts, perhaps nesting has taken place. Note that nests of pigeons and others can be deep within.
Most birds nest individually, some species, including seabirds, many herons, gulls, corvids and some sparrows gather together in sizable colonies.
Here are shown four devices that we’ve found used best in openings or gaps in buildings. There are many more in our site so please note your issue and match what works or tap our logo below to get help.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell & touch. It lasts for years & years, is completely out-of-sight from below and works on almost all birds immediately.

Wire Mesh
Black PVC-coated, 19-gauge, 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective long lasting exclusion screen where other products might fail. Can be formed and tucked into place.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

The Defender®
The Defender is the perfect choice to help keep out birds and squirrels. While allowing free-flowing air movement, its patented design effectively blocks intrusion.
How to Spot Birds in Openings, Cracks, Holes and Spaces
For Pigeons, Sparrows, Swallows and Woodpeckers
- Take a fresh 360-degree tour around your structure.
- Look for extremely small openings as birds, and surprisingly pigeons, can enter and exit.
- Note spots that have unknown markings and/or bird droppings.
- Tour your structure at quite times and listen for chirping.
- Be aware that nesting can happen completely out of view and is often preferred by birds.
- If you know birds are present but can nail down their actions, set your phone for lower resolution video and film a wide view of the sides of your structure.
- Knowing what’s happening ensures that you install the correct bird control product or to hire a professional installer.

The Cozier the Corner, The Bigger the Broods
Birds enjoy paranoia. Whozat?! Wa wa wat wazat?! Just imagine that personality and the structure you’re going to protect.
If you have birds already atop your more private safe spaces, then you can see what needs work and get on it. If, though, you have birds around and need to make sure they don’t take hold of your building, then spotting what’s attractive to them is the best first step.
Shown here to the left are three great deterrents that can’t be seen from below. Optical Gel, Bird-Shock and the attractive BirdSlide.
Installing these before bird takes control of the prized possession, a tight corner, works perfect. Nothing to be seen by us once installed but a total stop sign to birds, whether visiting or nesting. And, of course all four items work if pigeons or others are currently there. And the granddaddy, the unmentioned bird spike known as Dura-Spikes, stops even small sparrows from landing. But do know that birds can use spikes (as shown in the main shot of birds on bricks) as nesting rebar.
Whichever product seems perfect, we can always chime in with feedback. Click our bird logo below to send over a shot or movie and a quick reply with ideas back to you will happen.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell & touch. It lasts for years & years, is completely out-of-sight from below and works on almost all birds immediately.

Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

1/4” in height and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable but does not harm birds at all.

Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like the architecture.
How to Spot Birds in Tight Corners, Under Things and Hiding Spots
For Pigeons, Sparrows, Swallows. Starlings and Woodpeckers
- Note areas that begin or end on walls. The spots, for example wall to ceiling, can have places to visit or hide and nest.
- Consider investigating areas that one would think birds wouldn’t go. Carports or large building interior storage areas with large doors.
- Birds will inhabit areas that are quite noisy. Gaps behind roll-up doors, between HVAC systems and the like.
- If possible, bring a small ladder on your tour. Tip toes will miss the more desperate birds hiding from people just like you.
- Look for shadowy areas. They do when searching for a new home. It’s in their DNA.
- Please don’t bring a hose, as temping as it is, to flush out dwellings. We (and our installers through us) are friends with PeTA and know how animals should be treated.
- Knowing what’s happening ensures that you install the correct bird control product or to hire a professional installer.

Technology Can Be Warm & Attractive
As show in our images. when we talk about equipment, we’re staring at the top. Imagine, as seen in the Optical Gel shot protecting a high-voltage substation with transformers that hum. We have products that are known and accepted appropriate by the IEEE.
But dangerous tech isn’t as common as a warm light as seen in the main shot or hiding spots found in HVAC. This equipment can be found on nearly every roof and , unless a maintenance team makes rounds, goes for years unchecked. Don’t let bird feces into the intake of your in-bound air.
Then shown is solar. Birds look at solar like a roof. A wide roof…for many families. Our solar kits cover every entrance bird will use. And believe us, if a solar kit is installed with gaps for your finger, a bird will shove in and be happy the front door is for them only.
Send us shots or videos of your problem. We are always available for a second option before an item is selected. Tap our bird logo below to do so.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Scare Owl
Non-moving plastic owls are ineffective, that's why we developed this rotating, screeching owl. Four predator/scare sounds are programmed: distress, predator attack cries.

Wire Mesh
Black PVC-coated, 19-gauge, 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective long lasting exclusion screen where other products might fail. Can be formed and tucked into place.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

Birds Just Don’t Know How Popular They Are in These Branded Homes

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Bird-Flite® Bird Spikes
Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like the architecture.

1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds.

Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

Eves Are Often Tucked Away Making Long-Term Nesting Often

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

An anti-perching system made of a stainless-steel coiled spring & mounting hardware that's perfect for long, narrow ledges. Don’t use if birds are nesting as it acts as supports.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like the architecture.

Bird Poop Left by a Single Bird Indoors Is Quite Astonishing

Sparrow Trap Door
The Trap Door trap is the ideal tool for both prevention and quick response deployment to humanely capture the problem bird(s) indoors and relocate them back into the wild.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

Multi-Bird Traps
The use of bird traps is an excellent way to reduce the bird population prior to the installation products. The flock can be reduced drastically minimizing public reaction.

Bird Damage On What Your Customers Enjoy Most deserves Attention

Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like the architecture.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.


Gutter point is specifically designed for attachment to the inside lip of rain gutters. Thin stainless steel spikes protrude upwards from a plastic base.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Wire Mesh
Black PVC-coated, 19-gauge, 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective long lasting exclusion screen where other products might fail. Can be formed and tucked into place.

Bird Traps
The use of bird traps is an excellent way to reduce the bird population prior to the installation products. The flock can be reduced drastically minimizing public reaction.