Bird control on pipes or railings can be a tricky prospect since these areas also have to be accessed by people. Railings are also critical safety infrastructure so they must remain clear and accessible. At Bird Barrier, we’re always developing new and innovative approaches to pest bird abatement on railings and pipes.
Below are the top bird problem areas of rails and pipes of many settings and the how we solve them.

Don’t Let Your Piping Become a Haven for Birds
Bird control for outdoor pipes can be easily accomplished with minor landing deterrent devices. These areas are generally lower-pressure and not suited for nighttime roosting or nesting, making them easy to protect against pest birds and bird droppings.

1/4” in height and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable but does not harm birds at all.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.

Sprinklers & Conduit are No Places for Birds
Indoor pipes provide ideal locations for pest birds to congregate, watch for food, and build nests, making effective pest bird control absolutely necessary. With often narrow clearances between the pipes and ceiling above, indoor pipes are often suited to bird exclusion techniques in addition to traditional landing deterrent devices.
Ask the Bird Barrier experts which solution is right for your facility.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell & touch. It lasts for years & years, is completely out-of-sight from below and works on almost all birds immediately.

A sun-resistant flexible polycarbonate-based and stainless-steel blunted-spike system that’s available in three widths, that locks together at its ends and is glued into place.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

Keep Your Hands on the Railing
Outdoor railings are tricky areas for pest bird control because they have to stay accessible while preventing birds from landing on them.
Never fear, for Bird Barrier designs and manufactures innovative bird control solutions to keep the bird droppings off railings and away from your hands!

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Tower Guard
Tower Guard deters various large birds from landing on rails of various types. It creates both a visual and physical barrier for railings and flat surfaces.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.

Birds Perching Indoors Can Indicate Larger Bird Problems
To stop small birds from congregating and socializing on indoor railings requires specific bird control solutions.
Bird Barrier’s solutions for indoor railings are novel and effective. Just snap a few photos and ask the experts to get your bird problem solved!

Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like the architecture.

A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Optical Gel™ ZIP
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Don’t Let Your Equipment Become a Bird Condo
Large outdoor equipment like pumps, gantries, and cooling towers provide everything a pest bird needs to make a comfortable home. Unfortunately, that comfortable home comes at the cost of expensive maintenance and repairs on mission-critical equipment.
Protect your equipment from damage from pest birds with innovative bird control solutions from Bird Barrier.

Eagle Eye®
The Eagle Eye is an optical bird scarer that harmlessly deters birds from unwanted areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight.

Optical Gel™
A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.

An anti-perching system made of a stainless-steel coiled spring & mounting hardware that's perfect for long, narrow ledges. Don’t use if birds are nesting as it acts as supports.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

Let Pest Birds Lie Safely Away from Your People
Pest birds and people mix like oil and water. Bird droppings harbor disease and nesting materials create unsightly messes and property damage.
Protect your workers, patrons, property, and reputation by employing discreet pest bird control solutions from Bird Barrier.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

A sun-resistant flexible polycarbonate-based and stainless-steel blunted-spike system that’s available in three widths, that locks together at its ends & is glued into place.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds.

Evict Unwanted Tenants from Your Piping
Pest bird nests present a unique challenge to bird control. These locations are considered heavy-pressure bird control challenges and future access must be denied to birds after a thorough cleanup or the problem will present itself again. In addition, some birds are protected and their nests may not be disturbed.
Prevent headaches and protect your facility with effective, modern bird control solutions.

Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like the architecture.

Perfect for enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years that's hard to see.

Protect Your Image from Pest Bird Graffiti
The most beautiful architectural design choices also seem to be the most attractive to pest birds. Lots of overhanging pipes, rails, and beams might be great to look at, but birds find them perfect locations to perch, look for food, and even build nests! Worst of all, birds perching on overhead pipes leave toxic bird droppings on anything that happens to be below them, creating a hazardous and unpleasant environment.
Protect your image with effective bird control solutions from Bird Barrier.

Optical Gel™
A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds.

Tower Guard
Tower Guard deters various large birds from landing on rails of various types. It creates both a visual and physical barrier for railings and flat surfaces.

A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.