Parking Structures

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Parking garages, and multi-level parking structures in particular, are prime real estate for bird nests. Birds can tuck nesting material into the nooks and crannies and on top of ledges that are common place in garages. You might hear from some angry customers if bird dropping damage the paint job on their cars. How to keep birds out of garages requires a multifaceted approach to bird control.

Below are the top bird problem areas in and around parking facilities and solutions that will help prevent birds from entering and nesting in your garage.

Parking Structure Bird Activity

Block Access to Ledges

Ledges in parking structures are ideal places for birds to nest. Unlike exposed ledges, ledges in parking garages are protected from the elements and the eyes of predators. Since they’re such desirable locations, installing exclusion bird control products is the only strategy that will deny access and prevent birds from building nests.



Completely protects ledges as birds simply can't get a grip and safely slide right off the slide safely. Paintable to color match and disappear or cut into shapes to form.

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Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Parking Ceiling Close


Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years is hard to see.

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PVC Mesh

19-gauge PVC coated 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective and lasting exclusion screen that can be bent into unique shapes & glued or screwed in openings or gaps.

Various Parking Structure Nesting Sites

Keep Birds from Perching on Sprinkler Pipes and Conduit

A straight line of bird droppings on the ground generally means there’s an overhead pipe with plenty of bird activity. While birds don’t nest on pipes, they can spend ample time there, and make a nasty mess below. Luckily, stopping birds from loitering on pipes and conduits is easy to do with the right bird deterrent products.


A spring-tensioned post and wire system designed to create an unstable landing spot discouraging pest birds from landing while having minimal visual impact.

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Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.



A sun-resistant polycarbonate-based and stainless-steel blunted-spike system that’s available in three widths, locks together at its ends and is glued into place.

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Our highest-quality stainless-steel blunted-tip bird spikes that stop pest birds from landing & roosting, available in three widths and can form to structural curves.

Installation duct air conditioning system

Prevent Birds from Destroying Sensitive Equipment

These larger areas often obscure the pervasive bird activity from below. However, a view from above will reveal copious amounts of bird droppings and contaminated debris. These acidic wastes can damage expensive equipment and spread disease through out a building. Thankfully, it’s easy to employ bird control measures to prevent bird damage to sensitive equipment.


Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

Loading Dock Close


Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is hard to see.


Completely protects ledges as birds simply can't get a grip and safely slide right off the slide safely. Paintable to color match and disappear or cut into shapes to form.

Mesh Half and One Inch

PVC Mesh

19-gauge PVC coated 1/2" & 1" wire mesh offers an effective and lasting exclusion screen that can be bent into unique shapes and glued or screwed in openings or gaps.

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Lights are Desirable Perches for Birds Looking for Food Opportunities

High vantage points such as light stanchions are irresistible to pest birds as they offer opportunities to find food and watch for predators. They also make great staging areas for birds to strafe your customers and their automobiles with their droppings. Protect these areas with effective bird deterrent products and gain a tactical advantage against a messy “air force.”


Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

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1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds in any way.

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Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is hard to see.

Daddi Long Legs on Lights 3

Daddi Long Legs

19-gauge PVC coated 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective and lasting exclusion screen that can be bent into unique shapes and glued or screwed in openings or gaps.

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These Lights Offer Warmth and Plenty of Harborage

Even low-energy LED fixtures get warm when running for several hours, attracting birds who want to brave the chilly night air. These fixtures can be tricky to defend from pest birds because they require solutions that don’t interfere with their operation. Fortunately, Bird Barrier leads the way in innovative bird control solutions!

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Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.


1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds in any way.



Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is hard to see.

Wire Mesh

PVC Mesh

19-gauge PVC coated 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective and lasting exclusion screen that can be bent into unique shapes and glued or screwed in openings or gaps.

Illuminated Parking Garage At Night

Stop Birds Before They Enter the Structure Itself

The best offense is a strong defense. If you use bird exclusion and bird deterrent products to keep birds off architectural features so they don’t gain a foothold to enter the structure, you’ve solved most of your problems before they begin! Additionally, many parking structures are connected to the main building they serve, so you gain the added benefit of protecting those areas as well!

Olympic Park pitched surface

Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

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Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is hard to see.

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1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds.

Eagle Eye®

An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters large birds from unwanted areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating.

Customer paying though NFC on parking machine

Block Birds from Landing or Nesting on Your Transaction Centers

No one likes to pay for parking, and they like the prospect of being pooped on while doing so even less! Prevent embarrassing (and unhealthy) incidents with your customers and employees by keeping pest birds away from their favored perches!

Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

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Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is hard to see.

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Eagle Eye®

An optical bird scaring device that harmlessly deters large birds from unwanted areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight while rotating.


A sun-resistant polycarbonate-based and stainless-steel blunted-spike system that’s available in three widths, locks together at its ends and is glued into place.

White Sign of Valet Parking Service at Department Store

Don’t Let Your Beautiful Signs Be Marred by Nasty Bird Droppings

Keeping birds off and out of channel letters is one of the most difficult problems in all of bird control. They are warm, safe, and offer themselves as the perfect pigeon condo complex! We can recommend the best bird control solutions for any sign configuration and guide you on the proper way to cleanup bird dropping and bird debris.

Optical Gel™

A multi-sensory bird repellent that deters birds using sight, smell and touch that lasts for years and years, completely out-of-sight from below and works immediately.

257 StealthNet Bird Net Installation Getting Rid of Pigeons Sparrows Swallows and Stopping Nesting DSC 1503 Net


Perfect for any enclosed or semi-enclosed area, opening, or configuration where pest birds are to be excluded. Our best barrier that lasts for years and is very hard to see.

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PVC Mesh

19-gauge PVC coated 1/2" wire mesh offers an effective and lasting exclusion screen that can be bent into shapes & glued or screwed in openings or gaps.

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1/4” high and in five colors, Bird Shock blends into its surrounds and is not visible from below. The intermittent shock is memorable, but does not hurt the birds.

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