Nixalite Model S (12 x 4 ft.)

SKU bp-nx48 Category

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WHERE TO USE · Any surface where pest birds are a problem. Ledges, beams, window sills, statues, lights, roof peaks, gutters, etc. 

 · For all bird species

For all levels of infestation

MATERIAL · Stainless steel base strip and wires

INSTALLATION · Use supplied mounting hardware

INSTALLATION LEVEL · Easy to moderate

Nixalite barrier spikes are 100% made in the USA!

Lasting Quality · 100% stainless steel flexible base strip and spring tempered wires.

20 year limited warranty.

Lasts a lifetime.

UV and fire proof spikes.


Proven effective against all pest bird species, on all types of surfaces, in all levels of bird and animal infestations.

No Gap Barrier · 180 ̊ coverage with 5 wires per inch and 120 wire points per foot. Engineered to provide the best surface coverage without gaps or openings.

Humane  · A simple physical barrier that occupies the space, denying birds and climbing animals access to the areas protected by Nixalite.

Environmental · Does not use plastic, chemical pastes or electricity to work. Earn LEEDs credits for materials, resources and designs. 

Standard mounting hardware included with Nixalite spikes.

Model S (12 x 4 ft.) BP-NX48

Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
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